Foto von Digger´n Dig, Musik-Comedy

Digger & Dig


Music Comedy

Digger & Dig are on a mission in the name of music, and they have been on the road for quite a while: their destination is Acapulco.
They were booked to perform there way back in the 50ies, but where, pray tell, is Acapulco? And so, meandering on their odyssey, they take every musical fork in the road that comes their way. Here, the moment makes the music.

Digger'n Dig is a musical journey full of comedy.
Together with his colleague Jürgen Demant, ex-The Bombastics member and full-blooded musician and clown, Markus Siebert a.k.a. Digger (-or was it Dig?) dives into the world of music comedy.
A piece full of musical and human harmony, dissonances, loops, confusions, and surprises.


  • please open

    Duration: 35 minutes, max. 2 shows per day
    Technical requirements: electric supply, light in the evening
    Performance area: minimum 10 x 8 meters, possible in- and outdoors
    Set-up time: 90 minutes on location
    Dismantling time: approx. 60 minutes
    Parking with space for preparation near the performance venue
    Accommodation: 2 single rooms
    Catering: 1 vegetarian, 1 no special preference


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