Foto von Knäcke unterwegs, Slapstick und Straßentheater im Vorübergehen


Slapstick Theater in passing

for streets, squares, malls, and all public spaces


Knäcke is one of those contemporaries who stumble from one mishap to the next in a constant struggle with the pitfalls of everyday life: umbrellas, manhole covers, suitcases, jackets, handbags, bistro chairs – nothing and no one is safe.
But he knows how to get himself out of misery: small mishaps become great stories and passers-by become spectators and fellow players.
Seeming coincidences are artfully arranged actions of clownery, slapstick, and street theater.

Knäcke on the Road is the longest-standing production and specially designed for streets, squares, street cafés, and any other public space. In this program, Markus Siebert draws on decades of acting experience and is up to any situation, no matter how unexpected. All he needs is a well-filled suitcase, an umbrella, and people to turn empty squares into full ones and unsuspecting passers-by into an enthusiastic audience.


  • please open

    Duration: 30 minutes, max. 3 shows per day
    Technical requirements: none during daytime, light in the evening
    Set-up time: none
    Tour period: all year round
    Changing room near the performance venue
    Accommodation: 1 single room
    Catering: for 1 person, vegetarian

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